Tuesday, October 21, 2008

5 Alfa

ok here's the thing

i went 2 a form 5 class juz 2 meet wit the kelab kebudayaan bendahari

the name of the class is 5 Alfa

n almost most of the boys r like my frenz n they all noe me coz i always go their class 1

n then..when i went there..

the started 2 say or better shout my name juz 2 annoy me

n there was a guy name JAZ....

who like 2 ejek me 1 coz i very short...

so when i was talking 2 the teacher 2 ask if i can meet wit the bendahari...

he came up n started 2 measure my legs..

they all noe tat my legs r very short

so i was like so wat...

n then i very annoyed edi ma...

i showed tat little small finger in the middle...
do u all noe wat is it...
i think u all do..
tat's a bt it
my comment on them n especially the guy name JAZ is
~tat there actions r foolish as if there r still llike a child
~they do not respect teachers
~they do not respect ppl's privacy
~they hav no respect 4 themself
STUPID 5 ALFA BOYZ!!!!!!!!!!!