Monday, November 02, 2009

3 weeks left!

i hav 3 weeks left n 3 saturdays left n 3 sundays left!
n less than a month of school!
i wanna meet my frenz n my BFF's sooooo badly but i juz ain't sure,if would i b able to!
wit all the exams going on n tuitions or mayb they hav their own plans!
would i b able to do it!
not 4getting!
3 weeks left to c u 4 the 1st n last time time!!
izzit able to b done when u hav SPM in the corners!

n F.Y.I i soooo need to go shopping n get my hair done properly!!
n also my teeth!!

can't i juz skip school 4 a day n hang out wit my secondary school friends???
juz mayb 4 once?
i miss them n i wanna say my goodbyes properly

Eunice/Water tank/Unicorn/Blabber mouth/Emo-moniac
notice 2 new names!
i hav 2 meet up wit u!
so like is the plan on the 22nd a go?
ask sum else 2 come also,like someone v know lar(both of us)..

it's already 12.21a.m n i hav 2 get to sleep soon!
Big Day tomorrow!
till next time readers!
take care ya'll

Note:i hav no idea when i can make it XR!!!
coz i aon't coming 4 church on the 7th
n i'll try coming on the 14th ok??
v hav 2 hang out more wit ben n all!